It’s the 21st Century, and while we haven’t all moved into Star Trek-sanctioned onesies (yet!) it’s about time our clothes started keeping pace with the changing times, wouldn’t you say? These high-tech clothes seem tailor-made for those of us who are constantly forgetting our phones, our way, and our heads, because they build modern technology right into the fabric. Here are some of our favorites:

The Smart Hoodie:
Oh my goodness, if we had had this in high school, that whole prom date mismatch mishap might never have happened. Two brilliant design students at NYU invented the Smart Hoodie as a class project; it’s a durable, washable hooded sweatshirt with the capability to text, activate skype, and do nearly everything your phone can do all without a hand-held device. Though it’s not for sale just yet, count us in for the front of the line.

A Bracelet that can Multi-Task:
Meet the incredible NEX band, an accessory that brings us closer to Inspector Gadget than just about anything we’ve seen so far. Unlike single-task devices, like those that track fitness, this high-tech bracelet allows you to snap on and off “mods,” or small customized panels that turn it into a multi-tasking devices for games, music, health programs, and more.
One of the coolest features of this product is the ability to swap mods with other users, allowing you to share programs and experiences without having to all crowd around a phone. The NEX band pre-sale list is already full, so waste no time adding your name to the mailing list and getting your hands on an early batch.

Clothes that Keep You from Getting Lost:
Know that old phrase, “follow your feet?” Well, thanks to the innovative people at Lechal, you can now do literally that! With their customized insoles/super-computers, your shoes can now tell you whether you’re on the right street and let you know how many calories your burning, thanks to wireless and hands-free interfacing with associated apps on your smart phone.

Not alone in the lost-support community, Wearable Experiments have also created the NAVIGATE jacket, a frankly extremely fashionable piece of outerwear that uses a vibrating panel to tell you when to turn left or right and when you’ve arrived. Directions and a massage? We’ll take it!!
So whether you need a more hands-free life, you’re sick of turning into dead-end streets, or you want comfy style that also lets you text your mom, the 21st century has arrived to help you!