Rani is a fitness blogger who blogs at https://keeprunningmke.com/, where she shares her passion for fitness and running. Get to know Rani a little more in this Q & A.

Note: All images are Christina's. Follow her on Instagram at @couldberuthless

Tell us your bike story. How did you get into biking, what kind of biking do you do, etc.

I got an old mountain bike to bike on nice days when I had already gone for a run. I could bike forever, but my body couldn't handle running forever yet. Then I got a hybrid bike and was in love. This past year, my coworkers finally convinced me what I really needed was a road bike, so I could hang with them.

Where are your favorite places to bike in your hometown, and why?

There are a few, but there's a long stretch of trail on the Oak Leaf Trail that's my favorite.

A favorite tip (or two) about how you incorporate mindfulness and healthy habits into your daily life?

bike, rani streff
Taking the time to exercise in any way, as simple as going for a walk around my neighborhood is the most important way for me to be mindful and healthy at the same time. It's good for the soul.

A suggestion for women who are interested in biking but have safety concerns?

Be aware of your surroundings always, but also don't let the fear of what might happen keep you from doing something you really want to do.

If you could take a bike ride with anyone (living or dead) who would it be, and why?

All my friends and family. At the same time. One big ol' bike gang.

If you could take a bike vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?


Do you have any bike goals for 2018?

I want to finally do a century. The last time I tried, was on my hybrid bike on a notoriously hilly course. I had a messy IT band. It was a disaster.

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