For our most recent photo shoot, we used a 100% female crew and local cyclists as our models. Here's your chance to get to know Calista!
Tell us your bike story. How did you get into biking, what kind of biking do you do, etc.
My bike adventures began in 2009 because the price of the MTA kept increasing. Around this time, I also noticed that there were a lot of new bike lanes, which made me feel more comfortable riding in the city. I started commuting to work from Brooklyn to Manhattan (weather permitting) on my pink fold up bike, Sherbert Brompton. I met a lot of other bikers of all walks of life who introduced me to the various bike groups including Social Cycling NYC, Brompton Mafia, Times Up, and WE Bike NYC just to name a few. I've served as ride leader for group bike rides, assisted with bike month events and volunteer with Transportation Alternatives.

Where are your favorite places to bike in NYC?
This is a hard choice but I love riding along the water whether it's the Kent Ave bike path in Brooklyn, the Westside highway, or Brooklyn Bridge Park.
I also enjoy riding to Riis beach by passing through through the Victorian sections of Flatbush and Ditmas Park.
How do you describe Po Campo to your friends, or what do you think is special about Po Campo?
Po Campo bags are so cute, colorful and functional and I love the different styles that are available for every type. These bags are perfect for cyclists who wish to ride in style yet still have a practical bag for their commute.
A suggestion for women who are interested in biking but have safety concerns?
The fear is understandable but don't let it deter you. Get a bike map or use google maps with bike interface. Join local commuter bike groups such as WE Bike NYC and go on as many group bike rides as possible. Observe how more experienced bikers ride and ask for pointers. Buddy up with your newly found bike friends. Perhaps someone lives in your area and is going the same direction. Most importantly, ride as if you're invisible. Don't assume that drivers can see you or that they are paying attention.
If you could take a bike vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
My dream bike vacation GOAL is to bike the path from the Black Sea (Turkey) to the Atlantic ocean (France).Thanks Calista, it was a pleasure working with you!